What is liquid paraffin and what do you know about its uses?

What is liquid paraffin and what do you know about its uses?

Liquid paraffin is a highly refined mineral oil that is widely used in cosmetics and medicine.

Liquid paraffin is a clear, odorless oil obtained from a mineral source, typically a petroleum distillate. This oil is a byproduct of refining crude oil to produce gasoline and other petroleum products.

Oil is a liquid that is naturally extracted from the ground, and after being purified and transformed into liquid paraffin, it has no resemblance to the oil that was extracted. Paraffin is less dangerous than gasoline and boils at 150-275 degrees Celsius. It can be extracted from coal, wood, and oil shale, but it is mostly obtained from the distillation of crude oil. In the continuation of the article in Jahan Chemi Physik magazine, more explanations will be provided in this regard. Please stay with us.

Applications of liquid paraffin

Mineral oil can be used for various purposes including laxative, food preparation and mechanical, electrical and industrial applications. However, liquid paraffin is a term reserved for highly refined mineral oil suitable for skin care products, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and even for edible use. This is an important distinction because some skin care professionals who express concern about liquid paraffin may be inadvertently referring to medical-grade mineral oil, which is not properly refined and is not used in skin products. .
Mineral oil or paraffin oil is a mixture of higher alkanes from a mineral source such as crude oil. Mineral oil is produced from crude oil by vacuum distillation, from which several substances are distilled and an oil remains, which is then refined further.
Unrefined or under-refined mineral oils are classified by the World Health Organization as carcinogens in group 3, because chronic exposure to these aromatic substances, including polycyclic alkyl aromatic compounds (PACs), can lead to to skin cancer.
Mineral oil is one of the common ingredients in baby lotions, cold creams, ointments, and cosmetics to treat and prevent dry skin, flaking, itchy skin, and minor skin irritations. It is also used as a mild laxative for human or veterinary use.

Types of liquid paraffin

There are two forms of liquid paraffin that should not be confused with each other. Each of them has many applications in different fields and industries. A form of liquid paraffin is a type of highly refined kerosene used as fuel. The other is highly refined mineral oil that has various uses, for example, it is used in the production of cosmetic and medicinal products.

Use of liquid paraffin as fuel

One of the main uses of this material is to use it as fuel. This compound is a type of kerosene, distilled and refined, which can be burned in lamps and other devices. This fuel does not produce any soot or odor when burning, which makes it a more attractive fuel than refined kerosene.

Industrial and textile uses of liquid paraffin

This compound is mainly used as a lubricant in various industrial environments. This compound can be used to lubricate the blades that cut the paper. This fluid is also a very important component of air filters, especially air filters that work underwater. This oil can also be used as a hydraulic fluid in machines.

The use of liquid paraffin in the textile industry is mostly for lubrication of machines. This compound is one of the main components of the oil used for spinning, weaving and creating mesh. The oil used to lubricate the sewing machine usually also contains liquid paraffin. This combination can clean your hands after working with abrasive materials such as cement.

Medicinal and cosmetic applications of liquid paraffin

This compound is widely used in various medical fields. Since liquid paraffin passes through the intestinal tract without being absorbed, it can be used as a laxative to treat constipation. This compound is used in the production of penicillin and some eye lubricants. You can even use liquid paraffin to relieve skin rashes caused by diaper allergies in babies and eczema skin irritations.

Liquid paraffin is widely used in the cosmetics industry. This liquid is used in the production of various beauty products including cleansing creams, cold creams, moisturizing creams, tanning oils and other cosmetic products. It can also be used as a softening lotion to treat dry skin.

Other applications of liquid paraffin

This combination is useful in many other areas. For example, this substance is a basic ingredient in many agricultural insecticides. This composition is one of the raw materials, production and containment of reactive gases such as sulfur dioxide and chlorine. It is often used in infrared spectroscopy. It can be placed on baking trays to make it easier to remove the leftovers of cooked food. It is also used to brighten many fruits such as apples.

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