At room temperature, petroleum jelly is a semi-solid and odorless petroleum composed of a mixture of hydrocarbons. Petroleum vaselines are homogeneous, ointment-like mixtures of fully saturated hydrogenated hydrocarbons derived from petrolatum. PARAFLUID petroleum vaselines are of the highest purity and high and consistent quality, especially in terms of uniformity and possibilities for further processing. They are almost odorless and tasteless. Their color varies depending on the application needs and degree of purification and can range from snow white to slightly yellow.

Pharmaceutical and cosmetic factories use petrolatum to produce lipstick, various types of creams, ointments, makeup, etc.; Petrolatum has great benefits for skin, hair, eyelashes and can make them healthy, shiny and prevent them from damage. It is also used in various ointments and as a lubricant.

What are the main raw materials for petroleum jelly?

This product is a combination of paraffin oil, paraffin wax and microcrystalline waxes. After heating the oil to 80 degrees Celsius, the waxes are added and mixed for 3 to 4 hours, then the vaseline is filled in molten state in containers or barrels and cooled for 24 to 48 hours, and the vaseline will be ready to use. Just avoid using any substance with an unpleasant smell.

Application of petroleum jelly

Petroleum vaseline is mainly used as a flame retardant and polyvinyl chloride softener; which low stability, good electrical properties, widely used in cable materials.

It is also used in clothes, rolling sheets, shoes and other products, it can also be used to make rubber and glaze. Keep in mind that with chloride adhesives, it can be used as a fire retardant coating.

Uses of Vaseline for health
Perfumed body vaseline:

For the baby's soft and tender skin, preventing skin rashes, itching and nourishing the skin

Creamy Vaseline:

For skin moisturizing properties, protection against minor burns, rashes, cuts, scrapes, bruises, enriched with vitamin E for skin health and intense skin protection against UV rays and cold, dry weather

Regular Vaseline:

Skin softener

Baby oil:

It can be used to soften the baby's skin. Other properties such as fragrance and clarity increase the popularity of baby oil and help nourish the skin.

Vaporbus / Balms:

For colds, coughs, body aches, temporary relief of nasal congestion, chest and minor pains

Nail polish remover:

To remove colored pigments, softener based, for softer, shinier and healthier nails.

Pak Petroleum Company repeatedly guarantees the quality of Vaseline by arranging international inspector to check the quality and quantity of Vaseline during loading to ship and production control by QC with batch test report before shipment. Pak Petroleum repeatedly guarantees quality to conform to ASTM.

Is Vaseline flammable?

First of all, let's clear up a big point of misunderstanding. Many people wonder if petroleum jelly products like Vaseline are flammable. The short answer is no. Vaseline and other petroleum jelly products are designed to be very safe and stable. If a spark falls on Vaseline, it will not catch fire. If we put a match close to Vaseline, it will not ignite. So don't worry about this.