
What is liquid paraffin and what do you know about its uses?

Liquid paraffin is a highly refined mineral oil that is widely used in cosmetics and medicine.


Getting to know the petrochemical industry

Petrochemical refers to an industry in which hydrocarbons in crude oil or natural gas are converted into various chemical products used in other industries after undergoing a series of chemical processes. This industry is one of the sub-branches of the chemical industry, which is created from the combination of the two words petroleum and chemical.


The process of making Vaseline

Petroleum jelly is one of the most widely used products that people use to treat skin problems. However, using petroleum jelly may have side effects that everyone should be aware of. In today's Digikala Mag article, we will talk about the benefits and side effects of Vaseline, as well as the correct way to use it. Stay with us.